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          A sample list of our columnists as following:

Nualnoi Thammasathien

 News & Analytical Columnist


Nualnoi is a former BBC Thai reporter.

At present, she produces radio programmes that can be heard on FM92, AM 837 and and also previous programmes in Her weekly programmes focus on Tuesday, issues concerning the three provinces in the south and the insurgency, etc. called 'focus on the south' and Thursday, on consumers and health matters.

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Dr Kriengsak Chaleonwongsak


Economics & Social Columnist


Dr Kriengsak is a Senior Fellow, Harvard University’s Center for Business and Government Visiting Fellow at Oxford Internet Institute (OII) Fellow at the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Said Business School, the University of Oxford.

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Issariya Praithongyaem

 UK/Thailand Event highlights Columnist


 Issariya is a former BBC Thai reporter and former MCOT reporter (the Mass Communications Organization of Thailand).

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Patcharin Hayes

UK Family and domestic law Columnist



Patcharin is a former radio producer and former Bangkok Post writer.

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Alongkorn Parivudhiphongs

Educational entertainment  Columnist


Alongkorn is a former writer for the documentary and entertainment sections of the Bangkok Post, Thailand. He was a part-time lecturer in mass communication, Thammasat University, a part-time lecturer in drama and film critics, Chulalongkorn University. Now, he is studying in MA Journalism and Globalisation, City University, London.


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Kulwadee Songsiri

 Fashion Columnist



Kulwadee is Colour Stylish of Christian Dior (Thailand).

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Viraporn Nugrak

Information Technology Columnist



Viraporn Nugrak is an International Product Group Business Assistant, Microsoft Operations Pte Ltd. Microsoft Singapore.


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Siwatta Tiengroadrat

Art and Cultural Columnist


Siwatta is a TV producer for Nation Channel.

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Christopher Wright

Learning English Language Columnist


Christopher is a TV/Radio producer of ‘Chris Delivery’ on Channel 5, Thailand.

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